5.05 Hidden Hints in Writing Exam Reading for College Success

Estimated completion time: 25 minutes.

Questions to consider:

  • What methods can you lot contain into your routine to allow acceptable time for reading?
  • What are the benefits and approaches to active reading?
  • Exercise your courses or major have specific reading requirements?

Allowing Adequate Time for Reading

You should determine the reading requirements and expectations for every class very early in the semester. You also need to understand why you are reading the particular text you are assigned. Do you need to read closely for minute details that determine cause and effect? Or is your instructor asking you to skim several sources so you get more familiar with the topic? Knowing this reasoning volition aid you decide your timing, what notes to take, and how best to undertake the reading assignment.

A person with earphones plugged in his ears sits in a train reading a book. Other commuters are seated in the background.

Figure five.three If you lot program to make time for reading while you commute, recollect that unexpected events similar delays and cancellations could impact your concentration.

Depending on the makeup of your schedule, yous may terminate up reading both primary sources—such every bit legal documents, celebrated letters, or diaries—besides every bit textbooks, manufactures, and secondary sources, such equally summaries or argumentative essays that use primary sources to stake a claim. You may besides need to read current journalistic texts to stay electric current in local or global affairs. A realistic approach to scheduling your time to permit you to read and review all the reading yous have for the semester will help yous accomplish what can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task.

When you let adequate time in your hectic schedule for reading, you are investing in your own success. Reading isn't a magic pill, just it may seem similar it when you lot consider all the benefits people reap from this ordinary practice. Famous successful people throughout history have been voracious readers. In fact, former U.Southward. president Harry Truman once said, "Not all readers are leaders, just all leaders are readers." Writer of the U.S. Proclamation of Independence, inventor, and also onetime U.S. president Thomas Jefferson claimed "I cannot live without books" at a time when keeping and reading books was an expensive pastime. Knowing what it meant to exist kept from the joys of reading, 19th-century abolitionist Frederick Douglass said, "Once y'all learn to read, y'all volition be forever free." And finally, George R. R. Martin, the prolific author of the wildly successful Game of Thrones empire, declared, "A reader lives a m lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives simply i."

You lot can brand time for reading in a number of ways that include determining your usual reading footstep and speed, scheduling active reading sessions, and practicing recursive reading strategies.

Determining Reading Speed and Pacing

To determine your reading speed, select a section of text—passages in a textbook or pages in a novel. Time yourself reading that material for exactly 5 minutes, and note how much reading you accomplished in those v minutes. Multiply the corporeality of reading you lot accomplished in v minutes by 12 to determine your average reading pace (5 times 12 equals the 60 minutes of an hour). Of course, your reading pace will be different and take longer if you are taking notes while yous read, but this adding of reading stride gives you lot a good mode to estimate your reading speed that y'all can adapt to other forms of reading.

Example Reading Times
Reader Pages Read in 5 Minutes Pages per Hour Guess Hours to Read 500 Pages
Marta four 48 x hours, 30 minutes
Jordi three 36 13 hours
Estevan 5 60 8 hours, 20 minutes

So, for instance, if Marta was able to read iv pages of a dumbo novel for her English class in 5 minutes, she should be able to read near 48 pages in ane hour. Knowing this, Marta tin accurately determine how much time she needs to devote to finishing the novel within a fix amount of time, instead of but guessing. If the novel Marta is reading is 497 pages, and then Marta would take the total folio count (497) and divide that by her hourly reading rate (48 pages/hr) to determine that she needs about x to 11 hours overall. To finish the novel spread out over ii weeks, Marta needs to read a footling nether an hour a day to accomplish this goal.

Computing your reading charge per unit in this manner does not take into account days where you're likewise distracted and you lot have to reread passages or days when you just aren't in the mood to read. And your reading rate will likely vary depending on how dense the content you're reading is (east.g., a complex textbook vs. a comic book). Your pace may tedious down somewhat if you lot are not very interested in what the text is about. What this method volition help you lot practise is be realistic about your reading time every bit opposed to waging a estimate based on goose egg and so condign worried when y'all accept far more reading to terminate than the fourth dimension available.

Chapter 3, "Time Direction and Prioritization," offers more detail on how best to make up one's mind your speed from one blazon of reading to the next then you are meliorate able to schedule your reading.

Scheduling Set Times for Active Reading

Agile reading takes longer than reading through passages without stopping. You may non demand to read your latest sci-fi series actively while you're lounging on the beach, but many other reading situations demand more attention from you. Active reading is particularly important for college courses. You are a scholar actively engaging with the text by posing questions, seeking answers, and clarifying any disruptive elements. Programme to spend at least twice as long to read actively than to read passages without taking notes or otherwise mark select elements of the text.

To decide the time you need for active reading, apply the aforementioned calculations you use to determine your traditional reading speed and double information technology. Think that you need to make up one's mind your reading stride for all the classes you accept in a particular semester and multiply your speed by the number of classes you accept that require different types of reading.

Example Agile Reading Times
Reader Pages Read in v Minutes Pages per 60 minutes Gauge Hours to Read 500 Pages Judge Hours to Actively Read 500 Pages
Marta 4 48 ten hours, xxx minutes 21 hours
Jordi three 36 13 hours 26 hours
Estevan 5 sixty 8 hours, 20 minutes 16 hours, 40 minutes

Practicing Recursive Reading Strategies

One fact nearly reading for higher courses that may become frustrating is that, in a fashion, it never ends. For all the reading you practice, you end upward doing even more rereading. Information technology may be the same content, simply you may exist reading the passage more than once to detect the emphasis the writer places on one aspect of the topic or how ofttimes the writer dismisses a significant counterargument. This rereading is called recursive reading.

For most of what you read at the college level, you are trying to brand sense of the text for a specific purpose—not just because the topic interests or entertains you. You demand your full attention to decipher everything that's going on in circuitous reading material—and you even need to be because what the writer of the piece may not be including and why. This is why reading for comprehension is recursive.

Specifically, this boils down to seeing reading not every bit a formula but as a process that is far more circular than linear. You may read a selection from beginning to end, which is an fantabulous starting point, but for comprehension, you lot'll need to get dorsum and reread passages to make up one's mind meaning and make connections betwixt the reading and the bigger learning environment that led you to the pick—that may be a single form or a program in your college, or it may be the larger discipline, such as all biologists or the community of scholars studying beach erosion.

People oftentimes say writing is rewriting. For college courses, reading is rereading.

Strong readers engage in numerous steps, sometimes combining more than ane pace simultaneously, but knowing the steps nonetheless. They include, non always in this society:

  • bringing any prior knowledge most the topic to the reading session,
  • request yourself pertinent questions, both orally and in writing, almost the content you are reading,
  • inferring and/or implying information from what you read,
  • learning unfamiliar discipline-specific terms,
  • evaluating what you are reading, and eventually,
  • applying what yous're reading to other learning and life situations y'all encounter.

Let's intermission these steps into manageable chunks, because you are really doing quite a lot when you read.

A pie diagram shows the six major components of strong reading.

Figure v.4 The six elements of recursive reading should be considered as a circular, not linear, process.

Accessing Prior Knowledge

When y'all read, you naturally think of anything else you may know about the topic, only when you read deliberately and actively, y'all make yourself more aware of accessing this prior knowledge. Have you lot always watched a documentary nigh this topic? Did you study some aspect of it in another class? Practice you take a hobby that is somehow continued to this material? All of this thinking will help yous make sense of what yous are reading.


Imagining that yous were given a chapter to read in your American history grade almost the Gettysburg Address, write downward what y'all already know about this historic document. How might thinking through this prior noesis help yous ameliorate understand the text?

Asking Questions

Humans are naturally curious beings. As you lot read actively, you should be request questions most the topic you are reading. Don't just say the questions in your mind; write them down. You may enquire: Why is this topic important? What is the relevance of this topic currently? Was this topic of import a long time ago only irrelevant now? Why did my professor assign this reading?

You lot need a identify where y'all can actually write down these questions; a separate page in your notes is a good place to brainstorm. If you are taking notes on your reckoner, commencement a new document and write down the questions. Leave some room to answer the questions when y'all begin and again later on y'all read.

Inferring and Implying

When you read, you tin accept the data on the page and infer, or conclude responses to related challenges from evidence or from your own reasoning. A student will likely be able to infer what cloth the professor will include on an test past taking good notes throughout the classes leading up to the exam.

Writers may imply information without directly stating a fact for a variety of reasons. Sometimes a writer may not desire to come out explicitly and state a bias, but may imply or hint at his or her preference for ane political party or some other. You have to read carefully to detect implications considering they are indirect, merely watching for them will assist y'all comprehend the whole significant of a passage.

Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary specific to certain disciplines helps practitioners in that field engage and communicate with each other. Few people beyond undertakers and archeologists likely use the term sarcophagus in everyday communications, only for those disciplines, it is a meaningful distinction. Looking at the example, you can employ context clues to effigy out the significant of the term sarcophagus because information technology is something undertakers and/or archeologists would recognize. At the very least, you can guess that information technology has something to do with death. As a potential professional in the field you're studying, yous need to know the lingo. You lot may already accept a arrangement in identify to learn field of study-specific vocabulary, so utilise what you lot know works for you. Ii stiff strategies are to look up words in a lexicon (online or hard copy) to ensure you have the exact meaning for your field of study and to keep a dedicated list of words you see often in your reading. You can listing the words with a short definition so you take a quick reference guide to assistance you acquire the vocabulary.


Intelligent people e'er question and evaluate. This doesn't mean they don't trust others; they just need verification of facts to empathize a topic well. It doesn't brand sense to acquire incomplete or wrong information about a subject area only because you didn't take the time to evaluate all the sources at your disposal. When early explorers were afraid to canvass the earth for fear of falling off the edge, they weren't stupid; they but didn't have all the necessary data to evaluate the state of affairs.

When you evaluate a text, you are seeking to empathise the presented topic. Depending on how long the text is, you will perform a number of steps and repeat many of these steps to evaluate all the elements the writer presents. When you evaluate a text, you need to do the post-obit:

  • Scan the championship and all headings.
  • Read through the entire passage fully.
  • Question what main betoken the writer is making.
  • Decide who the audience is.
  • Identify what testify/support the writer uses.
  • Consider if the writer presents a counterbalanced perspective on the main point.
  • Recognize if the writer introduced any biases in the text.

When you go through a text looking for each of these elements, you need to get across merely answering the surface question; for instance, the audition may exist a specific field of scientists, but could anyone else understand the text with some explanation? Why would that be of import?

Assay Question

Think of an article you demand to read for a course. Take the steps in a higher place on how to evaluate a text, and employ the steps to the article. When yous accomplish the task in each step, inquire yourself and accept notes to answer the question: Why is this important? For case, when you read the title, does that give you any additional data that will assist you encompass the text? If the text were written for a different audience, what might the author demand to change to accommodate that group? How does an writer's bias distort an argument? This deep evaluation allows you to fully empathize the chief ideas and place the text in context with other material on the same subject, with current events, and within the field of study.


When you learn something new, it always connects to other knowledge you already have. One claiming we have is applying new data. Information technology may be interesting to know the distance to the moon, but how practice we apply information technology to something we need to do? If your biology instructor asked y'all to list several challenges of colonizing Mars and yous do not know much most that planet's exploration, y'all may be able to use your knowledge of how far Globe is from the moon to utilise it to the new task. You may take to read several other texts in addition to reading graphs and charts to find this information.

That was the challenge the early on space explorers faced along with myriad unknowns before space travel was a more than regular occurrence. They had to take what they already knew and could study and read about and utilize information technology to an unknown situation. These explorers wrote downward their challenges, failures, and successes, and at present scientists read those texts as a role of the always-growing torso of text about space travel. Awarding is a sophisticated level of thinking that helps turn theory into practice and challenges into successes.

Preparing to Read for Specific Disciplines in College

Different disciplines in college may have specific expectations, merely you can depend on all subjects asking y'all to read to some degree. In this college reading requirement, y'all can succeed by learning to read actively, researching the topic and writer, and recognizing how your own preconceived notions affect your reading. Reading for college isn't the same as reading for pleasance or even just reading to learn something on your own considering you are casually interested.

In college courses, your instructor may ask you to read articles, chapters, books, or primary sources (those original documents about which we write and report, such as messages between historic figures or the Declaration of Independence). Your instructor may want you to have a general groundwork on a topic before you dive into that subject in grade, so that you lot know the history of a topic, tin start thinking most it, and tin can appoint in a class discussion with more than a passing knowledge of the outcome.

If you lot are about to participate in an in-depth half dozen-week consideration of the U.Southward. Constitution only take never read it or annihilation written nearly information technology, y'all will have a hard time looking at anything in detail or understanding how and why information technology is pregnant. Equally you tin imagine, a neat deal has been written about the Constitution past scholars and citizens since the late 1700s when it was first put to paper (that's how they did information technology then). While the actual document isn't that long (about 12–15 pages depending on how it is presented), learning the details on how it came about, who was involved, and why it was and all the same is a significant document would take a considerable corporeality of time to read and assimilate. So, how do yous do it all? Particularly when you may accept an instructor who drops hints that yous may also dear to read a celebrated novel roofing the same time period . . . in your spare time, not required, of course! Information technology tin can exist daunting, specially if y'all are taking more than one course that has time-consuming reading lists. With a few strategic techniques, you tin manage it all, but know that you must have a plan and schedule your required reading so you are also able to selection upwards that recommended historic novel—it may requite yous an entirely new perspective on the issue.

Strategies for Reading in Higher Disciplines

No universal police force exists for how much reading instructors and institutions expect higher students to undertake for diverse disciplines. Suffice it to say, it's a LOT.

For nearly students, information technology is the book of reading that catches them most off guard when they begin their college careers. A full course load might require 10–15 hours of reading per calendar week, some of that roofing content that will exist more difficult than the reading for other courses.

You lot cannot maybe read word-for-word every single document you need to read for all your classes. That doesn't mean you give up or make up one's mind to only read for your favorite classes or concoct a scheme to read 17 per centum for each class and see how that works for you. You need to learn to skim, annotate, and take notes. All of these techniques will help you lot comprehend more than of what you read, which is why we read in the first identify. We'll talk more than afterward about annotating and notetaking, but for now consider what you know about skimming equally opposed to agile reading.


Skimming is not merely glancing over the words on a page (or screen) to run into if any of information technology sticks. Effective skimming allows yous to have in the major points of a passage without the need for a time-consuming reading session that involves your active use of notations and annotations. Oft you will demand to appoint in that painstaking level of agile reading, only skimming is the first stride—not an culling to deep reading. The fact remains that neither practise you lot need to read everything nor could you perchance attain that given your limited time. And then learn this valuable skill of skimming every bit an accompaniment to your overall study tool kit, and with practice and experience, you lot will fully sympathize how valuable information technology is.

When you lot skim, expect for guides to your understanding: headings, definitions, pull quotes, tables, and context clues. Textbooks are frequently helpful for skimming—they may already have fabricated some of these skimming guides in bold or a dissimilar color, and capacity ofttimes follow a anticipated outline. Some even provide an overview and summary for sections or capacity. Use whatever y'all can get, but don't stop there. In textbooks that have some reading guides, or especially in text that does non, await for introductory words such every bit Starting time or The purpose of this article . . . or summary words such as In conclusion . . . or Finally. These guides volition help y'all read just those sentences or paragraphs that volition give you the overall significant or gist of a passage or volume.

At present motility to the meat of the passage. You want to take in the reading as a whole. For a book, look at the titles of each chapter if available. Read each chapter's introductory paragraph and determine why the author chose this particular guild. Depending on what you lot're reading, the chapters may exist just informational, but often yous're looking for a specific statement. What position is the writer claiming? What support, counterarguments, and conclusions is the author presenting?

Don't call back of skimming as a style to fizz through a boring reading assignment. It is a skill y'all should main so you tin appoint, at diverse levels, with all the reading you demand to achieve in college. End your skimming session with a few notes—terms to wait up, questions you still have, and an overall summary. And recognize that y'all likely will return to that book or article for a more thorough reading if the cloth is useful.

Active Reading Strategies

Agile reading differs significantly from skimming or reading for pleasure. Yous can think of active reading as a sort of conversation between you and the text (maybe between you and the author, only you lot don't want to go the author's personality too involved in this metaphor because that may skew your engagement with the text).

When yous sit down down to determine what your dissimilar classes expect you to read and yous create a reading schedule to ensure you complete all the reading, retrieve about when you should read the cloth strategically, non merely how to get it all done. You should read textbook chapters and other reading assignments earlier you go into a lecture nearly that information. Don't expect to see how the lecture goes before you read the material, or you may non understand the information in the lecture. Reading before class helps you put ideas together between your reading and the information y'all hear and hash out in course.

Different disciplines naturally have different types of texts, and yous need to take this into account when yous schedule your time for reading class material. For example, you lot may look at a poem for your world literature class and assume that information technology will not accept yous long to read because it is relatively short compared to the dense textbook you take for your economics class. Just reading and understanding a poem can take a considerable amount of time when you realize yous may demand to stop numerous times to review the separate word meanings and how the words form images and connections throughout the poem.

The SQ3R Reading Strategy

You may take heard of the SQ3R method for active reading in your early education. This valuable technique is perfect for college reading. The title stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, and you tin use the steps on nigh any assigned passage. Designed by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his 1961 volume Effective Study, the active reading strategy gives readers a systematic manner to piece of work through any reading material.

Survey is similar to skimming. You look for clues to significant by reading the titles, headings, introductions, summary, captions for graphics, and keywords. Y'all can survey almost anything continued to the reading selection, including the copyright data, the date of the journal article, or the names and qualifications of the author(s). In this pace, you decide what the general pregnant is for the reading selection.

Question is your creation of questions to seek the main ideas, support, examples, and conclusions of the reading pick. Enquire yourself these questions separately. Try to create valid questions most what you are virtually to read that have come into your mind as yous engaged in the Survey step. Effort turning the headings of the sections in the chapter into questions. Side by side, how does what y'all're reading relate to you, your school, your community, and the earth?

Read is when y'all really read the passage. Try to find the answers to questions y'all adult in the previous step. Determine how much you are reading in chunks, either past paragraph for more complex readings or by department or even by an entire chapter. When yous end reading the selection, stop to make notes. Answer the questions by writing a note in the margin or other white infinite of the text.

Yous may also carefully underline or highlight text in addition to your notes. Apply caution hither that you don't attempt to rush this step by haphazardly circling terms or the other extreme of underlining huge chunks of text. Don't over-marking. Y'all aren't likely to remember what these cryptic marks mean afterwards when y'all come dorsum to use this active reading session to report. The text is the source of information—your marks and notes are just a style to organize and make sense of that data.

Recite means to speak out loud. Past reciting, you lot are engaging other senses to remember the material—yous read information technology (visual) and you said information technology (auditory). Stop reading momentarily in the pace to respond your questions or clarify confusing sentences or paragraphs. You can recite a summary of what the text means to you. If you are not in a place where you can verbalize, such equally a library or classroom, you tin accomplish this step adequately bymaxim it in your head; notwithstanding, to get the biggest bang for your buck, try to discover a place where you lot can speak aloud. You may even want to effort explaining the content to a friend.

Review is a recap. Become back over what you read and add more notes, ensuring you have captured the main points of the passage, identified the supporting testify and examples, and understood the overall meaning. Y'all may need to repeat some or all of the SQR3 steps during your review depending on the length and complexity of the cloth. Before y'all end your agile reading session, write a short (no more than one page is optimal) summary of the text yous read.

Reading Primary and Secondary Sources

Master sources are original documents we study and from which we glean information; principal sources include letters, beginning editions of books, legal documents, and a variety of other texts. When scholars look at these documents to sympathize a period in history or a scientific claiming and then write about their findings, the scholar'southward article is considered a secondary source. Readers have to go along several factors in mind when reading both principal and secondary sources.

Primary sources may comprise dated material we at present know is inaccurate. It may contain personal behavior and biases the original writer didn't intent to be openly published, and information technology may even present fanciful or creative ideas that exercise not support current knowledge. Readers can still gain keen insight from chief sources, just readers need to understand the context from which the author of the primary source wrote the text.

As well, secondary sources are inevitably another person's perspective on the primary source, and so a reader of secondary sources must also exist aware of potential biases or preferences the secondary source writer inserts in the writing that may persuade an incautious reader to translate the primary source in a detail way.

For example, if y'all were to read a secondary source that is examining the U.S. Announcement of Independence (the chief source), you would have a much clearer idea of how the secondary source scholar presented the information from the primary source if you likewise read the Declaration for yourself instead of trusting the other writer's interpretation. Most scholars are honest in writing secondary sources, but you as a reader of the source are trusting the writer to present a counterbalanced perspective of the primary source. When possible, you should attempt to read a master source in conjunction with the secondary source. The Internet helps immensely with this practice.

What Students Say

  1. What is the most influential gene in how thoroughly yous read the textile for a given course?
    1. How engaging the cloth is or how much I enjoy reading it.
    2. Whether or not the grade is part of my major.
    3. Whether or non the teacher assesses knowledge from the reading (through quizzes, for example), or requires assignments based on the reading.
    4. Whether or not knowledge or information from the reading is required to participate in lecture.
  2. What best describes your reading arroyo for required texts/materials for your classes?
    1. I read all of the assigned material.
    2. I read almost of the assigned material.
    3. I skim the text and read the captions, examples, or summaries.
  3. What all-time describes your notetaking style?
    1. I utilize a systematic method such as the Cornell method or something like.
    2. I highlight or underline all the of import information.
    3. I create outlines and/or note-cards.
    4. I employ an app or programme.
    5. I write notes in my text (impress or digital).
    6. I don't have a style. I just write downwards what seems important.
    7. I don't have many notes.

You can likewise have the bearding What Students Say surveys to add your voice to this textbook. Your responses will be included in updates.

Students offered their views on these questions, and the results are displayed in the graphs beneath.

What is the almost influential gene in how thoroughly you read the cloth for a given course?

An image shows the front and back cover page of a book titled

Figure 5.5

What best describes your reading arroyo for required texts/materials for your classes?

A horizontal bar graph plots the percentage of students' responses.

Figure 5.6

What best describes your notetaking style?

A horizontal bar graph plots the percentage of students' responses on assigned materials.

Figure five.7

Researching Topic and Author

During your preview stage, sometimes called pre-reading, yous can easily pick up on data from diverse sources that may assist you understand the material you're reading more fully or place it in context with other of import works in the discipline. If your selection is a volume, flip it over or turn to the back pages and look for an author's biography or note from the author. See if the volume itself contains any other information nigh the author or the subject thing.

The main things you lot need to call back from your reading in college are the topics covered and how the data fits into the bailiwick. You lot tin find these parts throughout the textbook chapter in the form of headings in larger and bold font, summary lists, and of import quotations pulled out of the narrative. Use these features as you lot read to assistance you make up one's mind what the well-nigh of import ideas are.

A horizontal bar graph plots the students' responses regarding different application and program usage.

Effigy 5.eight Learning nearly the book y'all're reading tin provide good context and information. Look for an author's biography and frontwards on the back cover or in the beginning few pages. (Credit: Mark Hillary / Flickr / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC-Past 2.0))

Remember, many books utilise quotations about the book or author as testimonials in a marketing approach to sell more books, so these may not be the most reliable sources of unbiased opinions, merely it'south a start. Sometimes you lot can find a list of other books the author has written near the front of a book. Exercise you recognize any of the other titles? Tin can you practice an Internet search for the name of the book or author? Go across the search results that want you to buy the book and come across if you tin can glean any other relevant information nigh the author or the reading selection. Across a standard Cyberspace search, try the library article database. These are more relevant to bookish disciplines and comprise resources you typically volition not find in a standard search engine. If yous are unfamiliar with how to use the library database, enquire a reference librarian on campus. They are often underused resources that tin point yous in the correct direction.

Agreement Your Ain Preset Ideas on a Topic

Laura actually enjoys learning about environmental issues. She has read many books and watched numerous televised documentaries on this topic and actively seeks out additional information on the environment. While Laura's involvement can assist her sympathise a new reading encounter about the surround, Laura also has to be aware that with this interest, she likewise brings forward her preset ideas and biases almost the topic. Sometimes these prejudices against other ideas relate to religion or nationality or fifty-fifty just tradition. Without bear witness, thinking the way we always have is not a good enough reason; evidence tin alter, and at the very to the lowest degree it needs honest review and cess to determine its validity. Ironically, nosotros may not want to larn new ideas considering that may mean we would have to give upward quondam ideas we have already mastered, which can be a daunting prospect.

With every reading situation most the surround, Laura needs to remain open-minded about what she is about to read and pay conscientious attention if she begins to ignore certain parts of the text considering of her preconceived notions. Learning new information can be very difficult if you balk at ideas that are dissimilar from what you lot've always thought. Y'all may have to force yourself to listen to a different viewpoint multiple times to make certain you are non closing your mind to a viable solution your mindset does non currently allow.

Analysis Question

Can you call up of times you have struggled reading higher content for a course? Which of these strategies might take helped you sympathize the content? Why do you think those strategies would work?


Source: https://openstax.org/books/college-success/pages/5-2-effective-reading-strategies

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